The MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne: Day 3

I cheated it is day 4 but I didn’t manage to do the day 3 yesterday, because life… you know?

So before I start day three I have some amazing news to tell you and I truly believe it was a result of a manifestation. If you want to know more about what I’ve manifested just keep reading.

Day three is all about healthy relationships, just collect some photos and let the magic work it self!

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The MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne: Day 3

The MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne: Day 2

Do you like rocks? You will after this magical practice! If you missed the first day, let me summarize what we are doing here on the blog. We are doing a 28 day challenge brought to us by the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, supposedly it will increase your magnetic field of gratitude and help you manifest your dreams and desires more quickly! Interested? Keep reading.

Continue reading “The MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne: Day 2”

The MAGIC by Rhonda Byrne: Day 2